How to offer free and paid WiFi access with Guest Internet WiFi controllers - 2-Tier guest WiFi access for hotels and businesses

Free WiFi Internet is the norm for hotels, resorts, campgrounds, RV parks, marinas and some types of businesses.

However most network installations are not providing a good service, with users streaming videos at full bandwidth that prevents other users from connecting to the network. The result is complaints from guests that the Internet is slow, or the guest cannot connect to the WiFi service.

In many cases the WiFi infrastructure is a few generations old, which means the network speed is slow.

Any business that offers free WiFi should manage the service properly so that each guest gets a fair share of the Internet service and Guest Internet products provide the Internet sharing plus much more features to help you give a premium WiFi service.

How do hospitality businesses offer free WiFi access to guests?

The businesses that provide free WiFi have a cost that has to be added to the room fee of each guest so the guest actually pays for the free WiFi.

Many hospitality businesses are not aware that they can recover part or all of the cost of providing the WiFi service for guests by configuring the WiFi network as a 2-tier service.

What is a 2-tier service?

This service continues to provide free WiFi at a slow speed that is adequate to read emails, surf the web and interact with social media. The free Internet access code is provided to all guests and can change each day to prevent the neighbors using the hospitality business WiFi. In addition to the free WiFi service, the guest is offered a fast Internet service that is purchased online using a credit card. Both the free code and the purchased access are offered on the WiFi login page, this is shown in the figure.

Guest Internet WiFI controller - Login page showing PayPal option for WiFi access payment

The Guest Internet K-series (GIS-K1/K3/K5/K7 and GIS-R4/R6) is used to provide the 2-tier WiFi access. The free access uses an access code provided to all guests. The paid access can have up to 10 options; with duration, speed and cost as the parameters.

Some examples are listed below.

  • 1 day of high speed access for $10
  • 1 week of high speed access, $20

The Pro series range of controllers, (GIS-R10/R20/R40) have a more sophisticated 2-tier service and can be configured for 3-tier service also.

The 3-tier login can have the following three-login options.

  • Free access without a code; click to agree to the terms and conditions
  • Code access that give fast Internet for preferred loyalty customers
  • Purchase high speed Internet using a credit card

The Pro series controller login page is shown in the next figure.

The 3-tier login can have the following three-login options.  Free access without a code; click to agree to the terms and conditions. Code access that give fast Internet for preferred loyalty customers. Purchase high speed Internet using a credit card. The Pro series controller login page.

Most guests will use the free WiFi to check emails and scroll social feeds. However business travelers will pay for the fast WiFi to upload and download large documents. Most business travelers will expense the cost of the Internet and so are not concerned that the fast Internet service is charged.

By embracing a 2-tier login system with Guest Internet WiFi controllers, businesses can enhance guest experience without sacrificing customer loyalty or losing competitive edge

Businesses and hotel owners who have implemented 2-tier with Guest Internet WiFi controllers report that they are able to cover the cost of the ISP Internet service and also have additional funds to upgrade the ISP to a faster service, and also upgrade the WiFi infrastructure to give a faster free Internet service.

Many hospitality businesses have slow ISP services (ADSL or cable) that will be improved by upgrading to fiber. Many businesses also have WiFi 3 or WiFi 4 products in use and these can be upgraded to WiFi 6 or to WiFi 7. Similarly all network components such as switches can be upgraded from 100Mb/s to 1Gb/s.

The result is beneficial for both the hospitality business owner and for the guests who will write great reviews about the WiFi service.

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